Posts Tagged ‘ExplodingDog’

Where have you been?

Monday, May 9th, 2011

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. -Ferris Bueller

Take a moment, think about all of the places you’ve been. Let’s start with countries. Now cities. Now museums. Now about restaurants? Pretty daunting, right? Well, thankfully we live in a world where it’s becoming easier to remember the places we’ve enjoyed in the past.

When you sign up for gtrot, not only can you easily add the cities you’ve been to, you can also see all of your past Foursquare check-ins related to each trip. Now when someone asks you about that great pizza place you ate at in New York City over Thanksgiving - you have a go to source to share it.

So whether you’re looking to share great advice on places you’ve been or just want to reminisce about places you went - share them on gtrot. And since the present quickly becomes the past, share your upcoming plans by adding them in gtrot or by forwarding your itinerary to [email protected] to instantly get advice on your trip from friends.

So where do you want to travel back in time to? Share your thoughts with us on Twitter and Facebook.

Photo by the talented explodingdog.