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gtrot makes travel sharing social

Thursday, March 10th, 2011

Want to learn more about what’s next in Social? Check out Margaret Yekulis’s piece on Keeping Up With Social in NYC.

“Gtrot Around the Globe If you’re like me, nothing makes you more excited than an impending vacation. That’s why my ears immediately perked up upon hearing about Gtrot. You can add and share information about the upcoming trips you have planned and tag friends you’ll be traveling with. For example, I entered my upcoming trip in April to Liverpool, England and tagged my husband as well as a friend that lives in the Liverpool area. I’m also able to share a little about what we’re doing, and can post more information while we’re there. Friends can click on the link I’ve shared on Facebook to find Gtrot’s site and discover more information about my trip. They can also see what trips I’ve previously taken and any information I’ve shared about the cities I’ve been to. The information you share can be whatever you took from your experience, from neighborhoods not to miss to my holiday favorite, what the guidebooks don’t tell you!

Besides the social aspect of sharing your trips with your friends, and also finding out where your friends are going and what friends will be in the cities you’re traveling to, you can book your next trip as well. Yup, all of your travel sharing and booking needs in one spot. The flight and hotel search is powered by Kayak and works in the same fashion, taking you to an outside site to get the booking done. You can even go a step further and share your booked flights. I may be very into social sharing, but this part might be a step too far for a simple vacation! On the other hand, it could come in handy for that next business conference or event you’re traveling to. ”

via IT’s Happening .

So you’re heading to SXSW…

Wednesday, March 9th, 2011

Congratulations - you’re embarking on a few day to week long journey into the epic-center of technology, film and music. Which translates into geek talk, booze, networking, long lines, getting lost, little sleep, less food and an all-out kick-ass time. Now some of you may be already boarding your flights but heed the advice below because once attendees pop on their badges there is no turning back.

Say hello to..

gtrot’s 2011 guide to SXSW


Travel in Packs
Trying to keep track of all your friends who are planning on attending #SXSW? Want to know which dates overlap? Do you know who is going to be there on Monday to stand in line with you at the MashBash party vs. who has to return to ‘the real world’ for work? Hey - check out this super-uber-cool travel sharing website! [Yes we shamelessly plug on our own site!] Oh, sharing also gets you daily deals for Austin (save some dollars on food and fun) and closer to VIP at our Sunday night party- you’re welcome!

Back-back-back it up!
Do you know what it’s like running a company, tweeting or taking notes without your iPhone, Blackberry or Macbook? No? Well you probably don’t want to either. Prepare for the worst and back up the data on your computer, phone and devices. Unlimited boozing and carrying hardware rarely mix well.

Download now!
As past years have proven, cellular and wifi bandwidth can be a problem. That means if you want to test out the hottest apps at SXSW you should download them now. I mean it, start downloading! There may still be an issue of having enough service to actually use them, but at least you can show off your phone-sash of badges to fellow geeks.

Get it in-line and online
Admit it, your blog profile is outdated, your Twitter avatar doesn’t look like you and you have six email addresses that you route into gmail. Everyone you schmooze with will want to grab your handle, Bump or Hash you (no they don’t even ask for your last name first!) so be ready. Have a clear way for people to get in touch with you and make sure those profiles are up to date. If you keep directing people to a redirect page where your blog should be - that ladies and gents earns you a #sxswfail.

Bring your papers

Attending a tech conference with analog supplies seems silly in this day in age - companies like Hashable are tracking real-time connections, Addieu narrows connecting to a few clicks and services like Tout are helping spreading your pitch only one SMS away. Technology is awesome! But lo and behold, networks fail, smart phones die and sometimes you’re too boozed-up to type on a digital keyboard. Fret not my digital friends - paper business cards to the rescue! Bring a few to hand out in these dire situations


Ain’t no cure like the one I got
Drinking + not sleeping + BBQ overload may be the norm for many social-media lovers on a regular basis. Now multiply that by 5 and smoosh it into one little weekend. You either can handle it with all of your #tigerblood or you’ll need advil, sunglasses and Vitamin Water Zero- pack accordingly.

Hungry like a wolf [don’t ask]
You know what I love between panels, talking and parties? Food. Clearly there is no shortage of places to eat in Austin- but somehow it’s hard to find the time. If you attended last year’s event you likely survived on protein bars and free cookies doe-eyed college kids handed out on the streets between panels. Don’t let this happen to you! Bring some snacks and if you’re eating lots of BBQ - gum might be a good choice.

Electric gets hectic
Chargers! Pack them, carry them with you and don’t lend to strangers. These things are in high demand. You may even consider one of those chargers that looks like your iPhone just gave birth to 2 double AA batteries.

All about the Washingtons, baby
Now we all love our credit card miles, want-to-be American Express Black Cards and Chase debit cards alike - but cash will always be king, especially in a city like Austin. Have some one’s on hand to tip those special bartenders during open bars, a twenty or two to bribe your way into the VIP line and some money to pay that friendly cab driver who helps you find your way home.

Dress you up in my logo - in my loooogo
Now, what to wear. It’s a tech conference, hello! Even though SXSW is debuting a fashion event, it’s still mostly t-shirt and jeans at the beginning of the week for SXSWi and t-shirts, chains, and black jeans at the end of the week for SXSWMusic. You’ll want to be casual, comfortable and hopefully, clean. Company logo t-shirts will abound -shoot me a message if you’re a user (of the site of course) and want to rock a gtrot shirt!

Lighten up Francis
Less is more, especially when you get attacked my swag at registration and between panels. Show up with less as you’ll likely be hauling more by day’s end. There is secret place to easily stash stuff - but that’s a secret I’ll never tell (okay -only if you ask)!

City girls love southern weather
A shout-out to the ladies, walkable shoes are a must for hopping from the convention center, 6th street and back again. Also, the weather will be awesome this week so boots and dresses will likely be the rage. Just be wary of the Austin winds for flowy skirts (yes, I quickly found out CVS sells leggings for these instances of skirt-vs-wind).

Now go into the #SXSW wild tech-music-film children! Say hello and I’ll see you in Austin!

gtrot helps you keep track of your travel check-ins

Friday, January 28th, 2011

Track real-time check-in data from past trips

How many times have you found the BEST restaurant in a city you’ve visited only to realize that within a few months you can’t remember what it was called or where it was located? It’s only made worse when your friends want your recommendation but you can’t remember. It happens to the best of us. And now, check-in enthusiasts, we have a solution.

Connect your Foursquare account on gtrot then share your upcoming and past trips. We’ll organize your place check-ins based on your trips so you can easily share your favorite places. Your friends can ‘Like’ your posts to save for their future trip to that city. It’s easy, editable and super social. So what are you waiting for? Share where you’ve been, where you’re going and where those $9 Chicago Kobe Beef Burgers are on gtrot!

HackCollege Travel with gtrot

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

Check out the coverage from Hack College - one of the top sites to save money, have fun and hack your college experience!

Coordinate Your Holiday Travel with Gtrot - HackCollege - Student-Powered Lifehacking.

Welcome to Heathrow, The Musical

Friday, November 12th, 2010

Anyone that’s ever flown into an airport, or has watched the movie ‘Love Actually‘, knows that the Arrivals area of the airport is a place for reunions, private car service pick-ups and the occasional musical performance… wait what?

Okay, maybe a musical performance is not something you regularly see in an airport but that’s changed for these lucky traveler’s arriving at Heathrow Terminal 5. Check out the T-Mobile sponsored promotion below.

So what will you be singing next time you get off a plane? We want to know! Share with us on @gtrot or on Facebook.

Speaking of booking travel, have you signed up for gtrot yet? We make booking travel, sharing trips and sharing advice easy! Sign up easily with Facebook connect today!