#wwkds Roundup: Week Three 08/22

This was our third week hosting “Wander Weekends” (#wwkds) on Twitter. As always, we loved reading what our followers did this past weekend. We’ll be hosting it again next Monday for the entire day. We look forward to more people joining #WanderWeekends!

Here are a few #wwkds tweets from this week:

@Joefry#wwkds @gtrot @dyemondgrl @TMZ Eminem made $3.3 million for two nights of rapping. What did you do with your weekend?

@amymarden: @gtrot We went to Day out with Thomas in Union, IL #wwkds

@ChrisRill: @gtrot I had an amazing dinner at Noma in Copenhagen, the number 1 restaurant in the world according to S.Pellegrino. #wwkds

Happy travels!

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