gtrot at SXSW 2011

Love travel? Love Technology? Come meet like-minded travel lovers for drinks, music and more.

Add your SXSW trip to Austin on your gtrot profile and tweet the shortlink to get a VIP invitation.

RSVP on Eventbrite now.

Fine print: You must be 21 or older to attend, and IDs will be checked at the door to verify your name and age. This VIP invitation does not guarantee access to the party given capacity constraints. Follow us on Twitter @gtrot for real-time updates during the party. If you’d like to attend with friends, have them share their trip to Austin on gtrot; we’ll send an invite to anyone who shares their trip before 5pm on Sunday. No +1s at the door. There will be an open bar for VIP attendees until we hit our max, then cash bar. Drink responsibly: we are not liable for any injury, loss, theft, or damage to property related to your attendance. Get ready for an awesome party!

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