gtrot 2.0- More Fun than Getting Groped by the TSA

Travel is huge this week! Although we don’t bring public pat downs or full body scans- we are bringing you the best place to share those upcoming- potentially frisky- travel plans.

Say hello to gtrot 2.0! Visit your travel profile to see what’s new, share your holiday travel plans, and explore your friends’ trips.

Some highlights from the new gtrot:
1) Share any trip with a unique link. Post the link to your blog, Twitter, Facebook, or email so that all friends can follow your trip – even if they’re not on gtrot!  See an example here:
2) Connect your Foursquare account. We’ll automatically add check-ins to your past and current trips, making it easy to track and share the places you experience as you travel.
3) Give and get travel advice. On the new Trip Chat page, you and your friends can post updates and travel tips by destination. Tag and rate your favorite places in each city, and see what your friends recommend doing before you go.
If you have any feedback about the new gtrot, or a great travel story you’d like to share, email [email protected] or find us on Twitter @gtrot. We hope to hear from you!

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