#FF 8/13: Gtrot Travel Tweeps to Follow

Follow Friday, #ff,  is a weekly Twitter event where participants list users they recommend. Below are 5 you should follow:

@agirlsgottago: Are you a woman looking for great travel advice? Check out A Girl’s Gotta Go for great travel advice for women, from women. Follow to learn about great travel deals too!

@whereisyvette : Not currently on a trip around the world? No problem, just follow Yvette and view the beautiful photos on her blog, Where is Yvette, and you’ll feel like you’re on your way— well, without the packing and fresh mountain air.

@Eat_Your_World: I don’t think I’ve found a traveler yet who doesn’t also like food. If you exist, please identify yourself! Now this Queens husband and wife team are working to bring food and travel together at Eat Your World, live this fall.

@IntoxAbroad : Just as much as food culture is part of a traveler’s life, sometimes so is drinking culture. Intoxicated Abroad has what some may say is a dream job- writing about nightlife and alcohol worldwide at Intoxicated Abroad blog. He’s a great follow especially for his colorful #TNI commentary.

@ZipSetRachel : Rachel is a self-described ‘Fun Enthusiast’ - great title, right? She always provides great travel news and updates during #TNI. You can also learn a ton of great travel tips at Zip Set Go.

Do you have other suggestions of people we should follow? Give a shout out @gtrot. Check out how we’re making travel easier by signing up for our free application.

About: Brittany:
I'm a travel addict working for Gtrot.com, a travel company that makes travel more social. Say hello @gtrot or on Facebook http://bit.ly/britgtrot
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