#FF 7/23 : Travel Tweeps to Follow

Follow Friday, #ff,  is a weekly Twitter event where participants list users they recommend. Below are 5 you should follow:

@TravelCanucks : What’s not to love about two traveling Canadians? Americans may be thrown by the occasional ‘eh?’ or reference to ‘poutine’ but their view on the wild-world is inspiring! Find full details on their blog: Traveling Canucks.

@EricSteinmann : Eric is a bit jealous of Anthony Bourdain’s lifestyle but you’ll hardly notice when you start a conversation about the best places in Wyoming with this travel writer.

@SpencerSpellman :  Spencer is a South Carolina guy taking on the travel world. Learn more about his travels on his well written blog: Carolina Nomad.

@EpicAsia : Epic Asia Travel follows this multi-talented writer, photographer, videographer, & blogger along her journey of discovering more about Asian culture. Get your fill on her blog: Epic Asia Travel

@globaldish : What’s better than great eats? How about great travel eats and photos! Follow along on her blog Food Freeway.

Do you have other suggestions of people we should follow? Give a shout out @gtrot. Check out how we’re making travel easier by signing up for our free application.

About: Brittany:
I'm a travel addict working for Gtrot.com, a travel company that makes travel more social. I've been to all 7 continents and explored 35 countries. I love experiencing new places, meeting new people and getting the opportunity to appreciate what this wide and wild world has to offer. I grew up in NC but have spent the last few years in New York City. I'm always up for adventure and I love living vicariously through other travelers when I'm not traveling. Say hello @gtrot or http://facebook.com/brittany.gtrot
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