#FF 7/16 : Travel Tweeps to Follow

Follow Friday, #ff,  is a weekly Twitter event where participants list users they recommend. Below are 5 you should follow:

@Sroakes : Summer Rayne Oakes (great name, right?) is a super model on a mission to make the world a greener place. Follow her for updates on sustainable travel, green fashion and so much more! Find full details on her blog: Summer Rayne Oakes.

@BeerAndBeans : Not only is Beer and Beans possibly the best travel blog name, it’s also a great resource for travel inspiration. Follow to find the beautiful and the mundane of travel.

@FranciscoJenna :  Jenna had a great guide to Brazil. See more of her thoughts on travel at This is My Happiness.

@TravelingEditor : Dylan Lowe is traveling the world and brining you along for the ride. I’ve never been brave enough to hitchhike but I feel like I could after reading the Traveling Editor blog.

@ARoadRetraveled : A traveling girl with a camcorder is a dangerous thing- get ready to drool over the latest travel videos and details here.

Do you have other suggestions of people we should follow? Give a shout out @gtrot. Check out our application too!

We also got dunked this week! Check out all the great travel blogs on the Trail of Ants Blog List.

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