college travel redefined

gtrotWelcome to our blog!  We’re in Harvard Square for the summer developing, a travel site for college students.  Now, we know what you’re thinking.   Another travel site?  But we’ve done our share of traveling, we’ve talked with lots of students who have done the same, and we’re sure there’s a better way to do travel on the web.

Our development team is made up of college students and recent grads who share a passion for technology and travel.  Not just the backpack-across-Europe, trek-through-the-Amazon kind of travel, but also the casual trips that are a regular part of college life: the holiday weekends at home, the roadtrips to conference games, the spring break vacations with friends.

We want to make all these experiences cheaper, easier, and more social.  (More environmentally-friendly too!)  But most of all, we want travel to be simple again.  Enough with the exhaustive trip planning tools, and the barrage of annoying add-on offers.  We’re harnessing the power of web-based technology and the Facebook social network to bring you simple and essential booking features, the cheapest prices, and the academic and social information you need to arrange your travels and share them with friends.

Easy, cheap, social, and green.  That’s the way travel should be.

Happy travels,
Zach and Rob, co-founders of

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  • Travel Trailers

    i stumbled on this page, looking forward to more great works…