Featured Traveler | Fidel Hart: Scene With A Hart

Fidel Hart sails the seven seas and takes photos for a living. Sweet, right? Fidel is originally from Columbus, Ohio, and now resides in Japan. The sailor shares his travel experiences on his travel blog,  Scene With A Hart. Find out why Fidel harts travel in our latest Featured Traveler profile.

Name: Fidel Hart

Tell us a little about yourself: My name is Fidel. I’ve been a Sailor in the US Navy for three years. I joined the Navy primarily to travel since I could never get the time to travel like I wanted to when I worked in real estate. Since joining the Navy, I’ve been to more than 20 countries and typically travel six months out of the year. My primary job in the Navy is also my favorite hobby: photography.

Favorite city you’ve been to: Florence, Italy is my favorite city. Florence has every thing I love in a city: friendly people, travelers, great food, good hostels, easy walks, history, art, beautiful women, professional soccer and great shopping.

Favorite restaurant: My favorite restaurant is Roscoe’s Chicken N’ Waffles in Los Angeles. I love American soul food and Roscoe’s has really good fried chicken, macaroni and cheese and collard greens. The atmosphere at Roscoe’s is also great and the people working there are very friendly.

Best place to relax: Just about anywhere in Thailand. If you can’t find a way to relax in Thailand then something is wrong with you.

Best place to have fun: See above answer. Ha ha. It is a toss up between Thailand and Cairns, Australia. Cairns is great for adventure and party lovers. In the same day, you can bungee jump, skydive and party with a hosts of locals and travelers at the best hostel in the world- Gilligan’s.

Best trip you’ve ever taken: I spent an entire month touring Italy in June 2010. It was a dream vacation filled with great eating, beautiful women, delicious wine and did I mention the women?

What one piece of advice do you have for travelers? Keep your mind open to everything.

Where else can we find you on the web? I write a travel journal at www.scenewithahart.com and I’m on Facebook www.facebook.com/ihartravel


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  • http://twitter.com/IHarTravel Fidel Hart

    Thank you 4 the feature gtrot!